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[Story Progression] 1.2 Settlement Amid The Strange


Resident Cueball
Upon returning the Peregrine, you find the mood has shifted dramatically. Whispered conversation's that the expedition should be scrubbed can be heard all over the ship. As soon as you come aboard Captain Markosi comes straight to Ramona. Father Aemon also comes by and tends to everyone's wounds with a channel energy. He channeled +9 which brought everyone to full HP.

Markosi: Ramona, we need to talk, everybody is scared and scared people do foolish things. Your colonist's are talking openly of Commandeering my ship, to return to Andoran. My sailor's know we don't have the food, and are keeping one hand on their weapon at all times. You must make your people disembark now, TONIGHT, at this cape if need be.

Ramona: Captain, let us not talk of this on deck, it would only fuel the flames, we should go somewhere private. Ramona turns to address the party. Please speak with the other colonists, you have been ashore and they are already a little in awe of you. Help calm this situation and avoid bloodshed. I'm sure I can convince the Captain to keep us safely aboard the ship for another night.

This is an RP encounter, unless you fail, then it will be a combat encounter. Scattered through the ship all the colonists have banded into four groups. Each group has one vocal agitator, speaking of mutiny. Listed below is each of the leaders, and a little of what you can overhear them telling their group. Each leader, can be defused through passing an "Influence Check", a skill check which each agitator has two to choose from. Each leader has a particular Knowledge or Sense Motive check that allows you to Discover what the influence check is (Discovery Check). You will also get a plus or minus to the influence check based on how well you RP the situation and talk the person down before attempting the influence check. Once you attempt the influence check, then the RP event over, and you are immediately passed or failed based on the check.

If you can RP one other NPC in the group onto your side, they will use aid another on your influence check. Each of you will address one group. I recommend the "out of character" thread to discuss who will go to which group. Along with what you overhear the leaders saying, I will also post what skill the Discovery check is, to learn the influence check, you do not make the discovery check until you have decided who will address which group. So you will not know for certain what the influence check is before decided who will address which group. But you can make an educated guess from what you overhear.

Antona Sedgewick; Human Female, Colony Soldier
Discovery Check: Sense Motive
Antona: Ramona is no leader. She does not possess the skill or intelligence to found a colony or even be on a city council. She is nothing but a pretty face. She probably got the job, by applying for it on her knees. We have plenty of better leaders on this boat. Perhaps you Anya, or you Tipps; either of you can see whats in front of you better than Ramona could. After getting to know her over the length of this voyage, I will not follow her anywhere.

Faedwyr Trundlebrook; Human Male, Farmer
Discovery Check: Knowledge Nature
Faedwyr: C-c-c-cursed and abandoned, or perhaps it w-w-w-was abandoned because it was cursed. It doesn't matter. We s-s-s-should leave, b-b-before this curse takes us too. We could die, at s-s-s-sea. But that is better than being a-a-a-attacked by demon's, or g-g-g-ghost's in our homes.

Harcourt Carrolby; Human Male, Horsebreader, family was once Nobility
Discovery Check: Knowledge Local or Nobility
Harcourt: This little adventure is proving itself to be less and less profitable. None of use came to this Island to be poor. We all came to improve our lot, but Helbret, who will visit your tavern and buy your ale if word gets out that all the colonists are gone? Nobody will visit, this will not become the trading hub that Andoran wants it to be. We will all die poor and destitute on this accursed Island.

Perrell Beys; Human Female, Chronicler and Scholar
Discovery Check: Knowledge Arcana or History
Perrell: The Bountiful Venture Company assured us it would be safe and secure here. They sent soldiers, they were building walls, but what did that do for the first wave of colonists? There is something here more dangerous than we previously knew. It's all a matter of intelligence, we should turn around and prepare ourselves better. Perhaps send the military to establish a base first, then once its safe, we could return. I'm not saying we should abandon the colony altogether, just that we should proceed logically.
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[trigger]nature: 24 = [11] + [5] + 8[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Srekcins Re: #2[/trigger]
Eko takes some steaming mugs of fragrant coffee over to Antona's group. (Continued in DM)

!roll 1d20+9? #sense motive
[trigger]sense motive: 19 = [10] + 9[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: VintagePC Re: #3[/trigger]
Kiryu will prepare coffee, and use prestidigitation or available spices to flavor the coffee if requested. He will then take a simple brewed pot of coffee to Perrell's group.

!roll 1d20+9? #Knowledge Arcana

If the first check fails, I will use my Spirit Surge ability. It requires the check to fail to be used.

!roll 1d6? #Spirit Surge
[trigger]Knowledge Arcana: 13 = [4] + 9[/trigger]
[trigger]Spirit Surge: 4 = [4][/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Kiryu Re: #4[/trigger]
[trigger]attack: 28 = [17] + [6] + 5[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Srekcins Re: #6[/trigger]
[trigger]damage: 4[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Srekcins Re: #7[/trigger]
looks like that didn't go too well...
[trigger]Diplomacy: 18 = [12] + 6[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Kiryu Re: #9[/trigger]
Probably not as bad as you might think. It would be better next level when I can get dex to damage with the rapier, but you gotta work with what you have.
Right, let's see how this went...

!roll 1d20 #diplomacy
[trigger]Diplomacy: 12[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: theLumberJack Re: #12[/trigger]
With tension's on the ship building the four of you go about attempting to calm everyone down, and prevent a mutiny. After speaking with the ship, everybody seems mollified and since the sun has set proceeds to get ready to sleep for the night. Within an hour shouting is heard above deck, the loud voice of Antona Sedgewick is shouting at First Mate Naerath both of the women have swords drawn. There shouting match draws everyone to the top deck. Standing with Antona is Carethet Maluis, who has a revolver drawn and pointed at Naerath. "Turn this ship around this instant" Antona shouts. "I feel for you colonists, but too much food has been infected by vermin and gone bad. We won't make it back if you stay aboard, lower your sword before you get hurt" The first mate shouts back. At that moment a half dozen sailors emerge lead by Captain Markosi, all have swords drawn and are ready to fight. "A few sailors? That's all you have, we outnumber you ten to one" she points out to the emerging colonists who are curious to see whats going on.

But none of the other colonists step forward to help Antona, a few even begin to slip back below deck, not wanting to get caught up in a fight. Seeing that she doesn't have the support of the colonist's, Antona sheaths her sword and spits at first mate Naerath before returing below deck.

After Antona and Carethet are gone, Captain Markosi seeks out Ramona and tells her "This is your last night on this ship. No matter what happens tomorrow, you will disembark before sundown".
Everybody was already fully health, you can now rest, regain spells, and channel spirits. The next morning will come with the problem of the ship not moving being first on everyone's mind.
Eko confers with the rest of the party

We'll have to keep an eye on those two...
Eko will also confer with Ramona in the morning on some of the things he's learned about Antona to hopefully avoid another confrontation
Kiryu will channel the Trickster for today. Anyone wishing to join the Seance is welcome. It will take 1 hours to complete.

Seance boon: Choose one skill when you gain this seance boon. You gain a +1 bonus on skill checks using that skill, and that skill counts as a class skill for you.

AC will return to 16.

After this, he will go off to speak to one of the people in private.
Maura will partake in the Seance (Diplomacy) and then prepare her spells for the day. Afterward she will seek out Eko and Ramona.
Third, for a diplomacy buff (should put me at +4 since class skill). Seems like that's a good skill to buff ATM.

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