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[Out Of Character] All out of character thread

Eko's diplomacy is shite... Hope we don't need to count on that :D
What about other checks? We basically have 2 that we can cover, maybe 3. and that is just the discovery option
So, at the moment, the best we have for the discovery is
Variel - Nature +8
Kiryu - Sense Motive +6
Maura - History +6

Eko, how's your Nobility or Local?
And for the level up, how are we handling HP gain? I looked in the character creation thread and didn't see anything? Are we rolling/taking a flat value/max?
Flat value, don't forget your favored class bonus (if you want it). Max at first lvl, half at all future lvls.
Pretty grim. I don't know much of anything that's not dungoneering:


Sense motive is +9 though.

Edit: Have not levelled up yet, can potentially fix that though I don't get many skill ranks.
I added a couple more knowledge skills with my level up, so Variel can cover any of those. Next level she'll have at least one rank in all of them.
My int is +3 so if I take one rank I get an instant +4 for any class skills. Don't know if that outweighs anyone else though.
How is Maura's knowledge local/nobility? The other checks can be covered by everyone else with a +8 or higher.

Then there is the skill check need to pass the encounter. Does anyone have a guess as to what that could be based upon the information that we can see?
I know everybody is waiting on everybody else, but you guys gotta make a decision. Also could everyone message me any unique abilities you are getting with the level up, that I might need to keep in mind.
Here is what I suggest:
Kiryu: Knowledge Arcana + 9 -- Perrell Beys
Variel: Knowledge Nature + 8 -- Faedwyr Trundlebrook
Eko: Sense motive +9 -- Antona Sedgewick;
Maura: Knowledge Local/Nobility + 0 --Harcourt Carrolby;

Or Eko and Maura can switch
Eko: Knowledge Local or Nobility + 4
Maura Sense Motive + 6

I would prefer to put our strongest foot forward and deal with one likely combat instead of risking multiple combats. We can also use some of the items we found while at the village to support our case.

The food can be used with the farmer(Faedwyr Trundlebrook), the book with the tree marking for the scholar(Perrell Beys), the bow for the noble(Harcourt Carrolby), and the blacksmith for the soldier(Antona Sedgewick). This could be used to support our position that staying is the better option.

What do you guys think?
shit, sorry. I have been too busy to level up. I'll start that now and hopefully finish tonight or tomorrow.

Should I take a point in nobility and planes regardless?
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I took a rank in nobility/planes regardless. Seems worth it just to be able to use the class bonus.

I am okay with the proposed assignments as well, I agree it's unlikely we'll pass all of them and avoid any combat so best to stack the ones we look like we can do well in rather than trying to average out across all.

When we do the RP will it be one group/PC at a time just so it's easier to keep the thread straight?
If the pairs are settles, is there anything else that anyone needs for their group? I suggest that Variel take the food to the farmer, and I take the books we found. This may help with our respective groups.

I think we need to keep that mechanical spider creature that we encountered a secret for now. I think that it might scare the groups.

Kiryu can brew and magically flavor coffee for each group. It may help show that we have no ill intent when dealing with them. I'm planning on using it in my encounter.
I think it makes sense to have Maura and Eko switch. That seems like the better risk mitigation than having a +0 in my opinion.

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