Here is what I suggest:
Kiryu: Knowledge Arcana + 9 -- Perrell Beys
Variel: Knowledge Nature + 8 -- Faedwyr Trundlebrook
Eko: Sense motive +9 -- Antona Sedgewick;
Maura: Knowledge Local/Nobility + 0 --Harcourt Carrolby;
Or Eko and Maura can switch
Eko: Knowledge Local or Nobility + 4
Maura Sense Motive + 6
I would prefer to put our strongest foot forward and deal with one likely combat instead of risking multiple combats. We can also use some of the items we found while at the village to support our case.
The food can be used with the farmer(Faedwyr Trundlebrook), the book with the tree marking for the scholar(Perrell Beys), the bow for the noble(Harcourt Carrolby), and the blacksmith for the soldier(Antona Sedgewick). This could be used to support our position that staying is the better option.
What do you guys think?