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[Story Progression] The Great Library of Tephu

Man that's some long delivery times. what are they all being hauled to jail?

Isal will go answer the door, keeping a spell at the ready in case of trouble, because she's a paranoid half-elf after some discouraging looks from Deka.
You open the door to see a man standing at the door.
"Is this the residence of the Iron Covenant?"
"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Argor, and I am a cousin of Mavruk. I was saddened immensely to hear of his demise at the hands of the cult, as he and I were very close. It would bring me great satisfaction to continue his fight, and I hear your party is looking for a replacement. Will you consider me for this position?"
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
!roll 1d20+3 #Regular will save
[trigger]Regular will save: 9[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 8[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 21[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 21[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 5[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 4[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 10[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 6[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 10[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 21[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 11[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 7[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 10[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 19[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 20[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 5[/trigger]
[trigger]Regular will save: 14[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: theLumberJack Re: #349[/trigger]
Do you mind if I ask what you can bring to the group? I'm sure you know Mavruk was a heavy hitter.
Bill Withers and Memsie: Both fail many of their saves and have hold person cast on them while they are stripped, of everything and have robes put on them. They are thrown in the cells, and gradually regain the ability to move while locked up. After a few hours Deka An-Keret comes down "We'll, you have some nerve showing up back here. You know that priestess that threw you in here probably saved your life. Apparently you bought her a grand lunch once when she was working in the library and she hates you less than everyone else does. Most of my clerics and priests want you dead, that is the punishment for someone who comes back into the city after they are banished. They would be happy if you just disappeared one day. As the Haty-a though I must support Muminofrah's decision to pardon you, I will release you and your friend but emplore both of you not to come back to this Temple."
Do you mind if I ask what you can bring to the group? I'm sure you know Mavruk was a heavy hitter.
"Well, I have a somewhat more refined taste than my cousin. Rather than hacking and slashing, I have followed the eastern teachings of stealth and deadly accuracy. I can assure you that my enemies tend to notice their wounds before they notice me, if at all. As for my stealth abilities, I was in plain view of some others in your party earlier today, though I doubt any of them will recognize me when they return.

Further, my sources tell me you are attempting to research in the Libraries... while not much, perhaps my knowledge can be of some assistance there... or at least more useful than my cousin, in any case."
"Very well. You may come in,"I remove the spell from my other hand and let Argor in. "I am prepping for 3 full days of studying in the inner sanctum of the libraries, where I have been granted access, hopefully the others will return shortly.
Can Aech and/or Idessa get a cursory physical description of the half-elf and/or hooded woman?
Casual reminder that Message is a 0-th level spell available to many arcane spellcasting classes and infinite in its utilitarian use, and that the public mail system for non-noble civilians in a pre-industrial society is extremely sketchy at best, and 5 people who live in the same house and presumably tell each other what they're up to might have quicker ways of communication.

Idessa casually stares at the half-elf as he leaves, making a note of his appearance, clothing, etc., in case he comes back and makes a nuisance of himself later. After he's gone, she whispers to Aech, "We might have to watch out for that one too." She pauses for a second, glancing back at the door. "I think we should keep that to ourselves for now, the librarians would probably get concerned and up the security and make it harder for us. Just be careful, maybe find backup before we try anything else."

Aech nods once. "We might as well go back to the house before we go to the market and see if anyone else has come up with something by now."

Idessa winces once, suddenly remembering who the members of her group are. "That hobbit has probably gone and got himself shoved in a barrel by now." She stands up (or at least, straightens out the foot or so of tail immediately below the waist) and puts away the copy of Fire of the Gods: Comparative Theological Morality and the Usage of Divine Power against Sapient Religious Persons, Volume 4: Perspectives of Duality: Arcane Magic of the Temple of Nethys that she was pretending to have questions about. Squinting in the early afternoon sun, the two wave at the guards on their way out the door. They'll swing by the marketplace for a line on prices for a few discreet items, then briefly into the entrance to the Haty-a's office for some discreetly acquired news, before making a stop at home and getting ready to head out again.
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Idessa: I don't know much about the half-elf, but since you're about to run into him at the house you could ask him

Aech: The woman was hooded, stuck to the shadows as much as she could and kept her head down. All you could see was that she was young, her dyed hair was in dreadlocks, and she wore a great many rings.

The Party: Just to remind everyone of some plot points, because it's been a while and TC wasn't with us for it. Remember back when Idessa and Aech first went to met Deka An-Keret, they went to ask for permission to use the main library for free. They were almost honest about their intentions and Deka snubbed them for a day then refused to help them. You also know that she always has Zone of Truth cast in her office (which Aech failed the check for if memory serves). Compare that with her actions both with Zanros and Isal more recently.
plot twist: there is no half-elf... Argor is human... but nobody except Isal knows that.
Unsuccessfully pestering the receptionist in Deka An-Keret's office for gossip, the stalwart duo return home to see if anything interesting has happened. On the doorstep, Aech abruptly stops, sniffing the air as if some sort of rancid spirit had passed mere minutes ago. Idessa, standing behind him, not really having noticed that she isn't moving anymore, examines a fingernail. She does, however, notice when Aech abrupylu yanks (insofar it can be called yanking when he applies the exact amount of torque onto the heavy slab with three fingers to swing it open and one more finger on the other side stops it exactly perpendicular to the frame) the door open and stands there staring inside. Idessa propels her upper body upward and slightly to the side so that her head is just peaking over Aech's shoulder, and begins to ramble, "Hey Isal I got you these orphan shiskebabs. They were only 3 a copper with a bowl of brown down by the docks so I grabbed a couple," slightly more than a couple, if the beginning of that sentence was anything to go by, "but turns out I don't really have to eat. They're not really made of orphans either, probably, it's just called that because-" she abruptly cut off, her eyes having landed on what Aech was starting at. "Oh."
Ah Idessa, you are back, as are you Aech. I think you two will be pleased to know I was able to gain permission from Deka to access the inner sanctum for three straight days. Which I intend to do tomorrow. Also this is Argor, cousin to our late friend Mavruk.
Idessa looks the new man up and down, eyes hard, appraising his worth. "Did you let him in?" She then slithers forward, and whispers in Isal's ear. "At least he's not short. You remember what happened the last we let short strangers in here, right?" Then, to the room again, "Speaking of those, where are our short people? Did you stick them in a barrel?"
"Yes, yes I did, and true, but I have had an eye on him." Thinking to herself for a moment, I have not heard from Zanros and Memesie. Hopefully they are not in too much trouble.
Argor bows...
"Ah, two more members of the party. I assume your efforts to ' case the joint', as it were, were successful? Though it sounds like that wasn't necessary after all."
Wanting to begin pooling their options, Memsie starts running scenarios. "Zanros, lean in." He says in a hushed tone. "You wanna zip out of here? It seems so easy that I'm almost willing to bet it won't work, but dammed if we can't try. Where do you want to go?" Preparing Dimension Door, Memsie waits for his cellmates input.
Wanting to begin pooling their options, Memsie starts running scenarios. "Zanros, lean in." He says in a hushed tone. "You wanna zip out of here? It seems so easy that I'm almost willing to bet it won't work, but dammed if we can't try. Where do you want to go?" Preparing Dimension Door, Memsie waits for his cellmates input.
As a reminder, you have no equipment. Basic robes were put on you and that is all you have. Reek is still in his satchel last you saw, but you don't have that either. You can still cast spells without him immediately present, but if you leave him behind you will lose your ability to cast until you replace him. Also Deka is saying she will set you free, but that you aren't welcome in the Temple again, she's standing there waiting on a response.

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