• We are aware of sporadic errors when browsing our site. This is an issue with our hosting provider and not something we can fix on our end. We are hopeful it will be resolved soon. ~VintagePC



<font face="Arial, Verdana">Woah, what is this?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Simple. Team Fortress 2 Classic has become a big game. There are people playing it as I write this. It has smashed my expectations for it in every way. I created a group for the game back in May known as Team Fortress 2 Classic Playas to get people playing. I have maintained that group to this day, and it has also grown. It went from a community of about 20 with nobody joining the events to a community of 150+ that fill the servers that we host events on. I never expected the group to be this successful, and I thank everyone that has let it grow to its present day form.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">But in this, TF2C has never had a big event. Like, not the ones I host on the server. Something.... Bigger. Something that would get people to stop what they were doing for 5 minutes to check up on it every once in a while. Something that could bring a lot of people to one single place. This, I hope, will change that.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">I would like to present:</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">THE TEAM FORTRESS 2 CLASSIC PLAYAS FIRST DEATHMATCH TOURNAMENT</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Woah huh? Well, what is it exactly?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Welp, it is a tournament where players will be facing each other in 1v1 matches to get the most kills. It will be on a bracket where the winners continue to move up until the grand slam final match that changes everything happens. There will be a server for the tournament only, and a selected map pool that contains official maps and custom ones. There are 3 people who are coordinating this event, and we are discussing what maps and other rules will be taking place.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Where is the Map Pool?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Currently undecided, we are checking through the forums and such for quality maps that meet some simple pre-requisites.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">What are those pre-requisites?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">No fullbright maps, you must have lighting</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Needs the correct Deathmatch logic and entities, such as weapons, spawns, and healthkits.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Needs to be somewhat small, so the 1v1 can take place easily. Yes, that means no Wiseau sadly.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">What is not required for the map?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Your map doesn't not have to be release candidate. We'll take maps that are fun for gameplay, and meet all the requirements above. Dev textures don't make a map less fun</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">If you release a map before the Tournament begins, we'll take a look at it, so if you drop one tomorrow or something we will check it out.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">What happens when someone wins?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Not only do they get the prestige of 1st place, but also items for Team Fortress 2!</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">What will be in the prize pool?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Undecided, but we don't have infinite riches. If you want to donate an item of worth, I will put it in the prize pool. https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=80971223&token=dWGXpEqd</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">If we end up getting a bunch of donations, instead of showering the 1st winner with everything we'll start giving prizes to the people who got to the Semifinals and above.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Wowee! Sounds like fun! How do I get in?</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">Simple, fill out the correct information for this Form, and we'll place you in the pool. Depending on the number of entries, you may or may not be able to get into the bracket.</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_rerRDO6k-fznwNgMyN3DO8ddOxXYAQk54GkVCch4k4/viewform?entry.1512867437&entry.830977662</font>

<font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">The bracket is empty so far, not going to fill it until the players have been chosen.</font>
Please keep your current Steam names the same as the ones you entered for the Tournament. It is much harder to keep track of you when your submitted name is completely different from what you have for your Steam Profile.
Welp, the prize pool so far:
Strange Bonk2 ScrapStrange EnforcerThrilling Tracksuit
Haven't quite decided what will be dropped from my end for the pool.
@WalrusFlavoredBacon I have a direct link to your Steam account, I'll just be keeping the names on the bracket the same for convenience.
I made a deatmatch map for the event here it is: http://tf2classic.com/forums/discussion/172/dm-canalzone#latest

<font face="Arial, Verdana">
</font><font face="Arial, Verdana">From this point forwards, any people who sign up will be matched with someone else. The games are getting close....</font>

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