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You Know What Really Grinds Geoff's Gears?

I feel like I've done this one before...but if that's the case I'm doing it again.

You know what really grinds my gears?

People who BITCH about getting 30fps. Are you fucking shitting me? Oh boo hoo, you aren't getting 100+fps? How fucking sad for you. I sit here playing with 25-30 MAX, so if you really want to complain about "low" fps, I am more than willing to shove my fist down your throat. I honestly can't imagine playing a PC game with 90 constant fps. That must be wonderful.
You know what really grinds my gears?

When people stick to the same inside jokes. And use them. Repeatedly. Yes, it was funny the first time...but move on. For the love of all that is unholy, MOVE ON!

You know what also grinds my gears? (DOUBLE FEATURE!)

Grown men (let's go with people 21+ in age here) who use childish words for humor. I love Drybear, he's an amazing streamer for smite and I enjoy his LPs. But for the last couple of weeks, he has been sticking to using some crappy inside jokes and he constantly uses childish words. He and the people he streams with all do it. When I hear someone say over vent/TS/mumble "You're a butt"...I'm just waiting to hear the comeback of "Yeah well you smell funny!".

Seriously, what is with this lately? Am I the only one running into it? I don't know who else watches streams constantly, but for fucks sake people. This was a reason I stopped watching Kilplixism's channel (he did amazing L4D videos). He's a guy who doesn't swear, which by itself is alright, until they basically substitute swearing with childish words.

I think my rant is done for now.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The impatience of gamers. What the fuck happened to us? Being a Smite player, I am on the smite forums probably more than these forums even and what I see lately is just impatient little pricks. Oh boohoo, we haven't had a god patch in a few weeks. Get the fuck over it. People say it's just the "younger generation", so hopefully they mean gamers younger than me. The guy I play with in my co-op videos is one of these impatient little shits. He can barely stand waiting 3 minutes in queue for a smite game.

Am I the only one running into this? When it comes to new games even, I'd rather a game be delayed than have it release in a shitty state (Brink anyone?). Even a much anticipated game like D3, I'd have happily waited another year if it meant they changed things like Belial. Come on people, learn to be fucking patient...
Well there's nothing wrong with alt tabbing while waiting for a queue. I myself look at the Chive on my phone till it starts. But to actually complain about 3 minute wait?! 3 FUCKING MINUTES?!

I sat in line for the last 2 Harry Potter movies, both times I was there at 7PM. P
Know what grinds my gears? People who have never listened to a particular type of music yet judge you based on you listening to it.

I listen to "off" stuff. I know. I'm not a dipshit for doing it though. Maybe you should actually hear a full song before you tell me my music is shit and immature.
You know what really grinds my gears?

When my internet is fucking max speed and yet it's the game's fault that I can't play. Oh cool, 990 ping. Yeah I can play with that. Jackasses.
You know what really grinds my gears? (deja vu...)

People with thin skin when it comes to any kind of insult. I'm talking about the SLIGHTEST bit anything negative and they instantly start pouting and saying they are offended.
You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone claims to be better at you at a game, and in reality they can only play one character/class/style on a certain map.

//ignore this line. it is just a comment
You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone claims to be better at you at a game, and in reality they can only play one character/class/style on a certain map.

//ignore this line. it is just a comment

Lol, I knew a guy like that in HS. Thought he was amazing at Halo. He got in the tank and just sat there. After we fed him 10 kills to kill him, he could barely do anything after that.
Lol, I knew a guy like that in HS. Thought he was amazing at Halo. He got in the tank and just sat there. After we fed him 10 kills to kill him, he could barely do anything after that.

Yea... or someone who can only play Varus on Twisted Treeline.
You know what really grinds my gears?

The fact that I got turned down for a factory job. A job that I am willing to work overtime, weekends and holidays. PUT ME TO WORK is what my resume should say...and they said no.
You know what really grinds my gears?

When people buy me a chocolate donut but it was a fresh one and they wrapped it up so that when I unwrap it, THE WRAPPING TAKES 90% OF MY CHOCOLATE WITH IT. Grrr. STOP DOING THAT
You know what really fries my taters?

People who think all I do every day is sit at my computer and herp da derp with the zip zap zippity flop. :p
You know what really grinds my gears?

People who think their opinions CHANGE facts. You are entitled to an opinion, but that doesn't make you any less of a moron if you are ignoring facts.
You know what really grinds my gears?

When I reply to someone saying "no one cares" and they respond with "you replied to me, so you must care".

Get it through your thick skull. Replying to you does NOT mean I give a damn. At all.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Managers who have no idea what they're doing. I call in sick and I have to bring a doctor's note? Nope, the employee handbook clearly states only if you are out for 3 consecutive days do I need to bring one.

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