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[Story Progression] 1.1: The Vanished

Would detect magic tell me where it came from?
Detect magic does not detect a spell unless the spell has an active effect (which sleep doesnt, think alarm spell). It would detect a magical item, trap, or magical creature if its at least 3HD.
Maura/Variel, you look a little worse for wear.

Would you like me to channel some positive energy your way?
Kiryu will move closer to the boat So that the entire boat is within range of Detect Magic and cast Detect Magic.

Whoops, probably should have done this first. Let’s see if there is anything else.
You picked with worst possible time for a power nap.

But seriously, it bugs me that someone went thru the trouble of sinking a boat and setting a magical trap. Lets keep pulling it in. It may hold more information about what happened here.
It was trapped, or there's someone within about 100 ft of us. Either way, now that you're awake I'm going to finish getting the canoe ashore.
Maura will help pull on the line (assuming it was tied before I fell asleep, if not I will go back and tie it to help pull the canoe in)
The party pulls on the rope and with little effort pull the canoe up on shore. The canoe goes little more than a couple feet before a high-pitched shouting is heard. Only Kiryu, Maura, and Variel understand what is said, as it's in Aquan.

Hey assholes, I was living here. Keep your land lubbin legs outta my water or I'll knock you out again.

Looking towards the sound, you see an odd tiny sized creature scuttling from where the canoe had been to underneath the dock. The tiny creature has lobster claws with a canine face and webbed ears (knowledge nature to identify).

As a note please remember to move your characters around on the map to reflect what your character is doing. You only need to your coordinates during combat or when we are going round by round. Lumberjack has made a nice script allowing you to select your token and type !position into chat to get your exact coordinates displayed in the roll20 chatbox.
!roll 1d20+8? #nature check to identify the creature

In aquan Apologies, sir/madam. We didn't mean to disturb you. We're looking for some acquaintances who landed here a few weeks ago.
[trigger]nature check to identify the creature: 19 = [11] + 8[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Srekcins Re: #95[/trigger]
You believe it is some kind of aquatic Fey Gremlin. Sleep is a typical fey spell, though it indicates he has more spells at his disposal. Based on the relative weakness of his spell, you think is a fairly weak fey.

Do I look like one of your damnable blood hounds, sniffing after the horrific odors of humanoids? I moved underneath that canoe three weeks ago to hide from the Grindylows, until you land lovin sons of bitches came and took that away. Now get lost before I come out of the water and teach you a lesson.

You can see him beneath the dock shifting around rocks, to make a new home next to one of the docks pillars.
Eko gazes at the exchange in confusion, wondering what all the screeching is about
Well, now I feel bad. I was hoping the boat would help shine some light on the disappearance of the expedition as well as be useful to us. I think we should return the boat to him. Once we get back to the main ship, we can see if there is someone that can work with metal to make a sign that will last underwater so others will know that it is someone's home. What do you guys think?
Eko, you seem confused. Sorry, guess I should translate. There is a strange creature that was living under the canoe. He was hiding from some Grindylows. We took his home from him without realizing it. He is also pretty mad at us.
If we've percepted the boat now that it's out and learned nothing new, I agree we should return it with our apologies. After all, we are here to find the cause of the trouble, not make more of it.

Eko scribbles a few notes in his book for future reference

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