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[Story Progression] The Great Library of Tephu

Idessa nods gravely. "I think I met that guy once."

Once down the ladder, she peers down the hallway, one hand on the hall pass, other on a hilt at her waist, not remembering who among her companions could see in the dark.

She also checks the ceiling.

!roll 1d20+1 #perception
[trigger]perception: 6[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Hexalan Re: #398[/trigger]
Upon entering the chamber Isal will pull out her Ioun Torch an begin looking for history books, and scouring through them
Isal has prepared the spells Ancestral Communication(+6 insight) and Channel Vigor(+4 competence), which she casts near the end of the day

(I'll just make my roll to help now)

!roll 1d20+10 #history
[trigger]history: 14[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: SoL DarkLord Re: #399[/trigger]
Upon entering the chamber Isal will pull out her Ioun Torch an begin looking for history books, and scouring through them
Isal has prepared the spells Ancestral Communication(+6 insight) and Channel Vigor(+4 competence), which she casts near the end of the day

(I'll just make my roll to help now)

!roll 1d20+10 #history
I'm guessing you didn't take a look at the map, or read what I had posted. The ladder goes down to a narrow landing. At the bottom is a set of steps set in a limestone tunnel that continues the journey downward.
[trigger]history[/QUOTE]: 11[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: Statboy Re: #400[/trigger]
Memsie creeps down with Idessa running his hand along the limestone walls as he does so. "You fellas usually encounter any problems down here?" a meek question comes out of form for the usually reckless gnome. "If so, probably want to get new guy up front less I get bowled over."
"We do know there's at least the guardian of the library, and who could say who else? Someone more perceptive and more stealthy could do better in the front..." Idessa dramatically glances at Aech, then abruptly addresses the ninja. "Why don't you go have a look. Stay out of sight of anybody else. No unnecessary murder. Just go out and come back."
Argor nods and slips forward to scout ahead, library pass in hand should it need to be displayed. He sneaks forward carefully, checking for traps and stopping if he notices anything other than ordinary corridor ahead.
I'll also be light-stepping it to avoid setting off any location-based traps.

Argor nods and slips forward to scout ahead, library pass in hand should it need to be displayed. He sneaks forward carefully, checking for traps and stopping if he notices anything other than ordinary corridor ahead.
I'll also be light-stepping it to avoid setting off any location-based traps.

View attachment 355
I placed your token down. Please post which languages you know. Also it is dark down here, do you have any way of seeing beyond the candle light coming from Idessa's Ioun stone?
As you move forward silently you see a second corridor break off to the right. Further down your current hallway you see a soft glow of red light. And something large moving closer. You begin to hear deep voices in your head.
With Dancing Lights cast Argor sees, a brown, shaggy-furred beast standing on slate grey hooves. Its head resembles that of a maniacal horned ape. It is slowly moving forward.
Common and Osirian. I make sure the pass is clearly visible to the thing approaching.

.... also crap, I totally forgot to fill in the list of stuff I purchased as items I'm carrying. crap.

I'll figure it out again tomorrow. Nothing too esoteric anyway, just standard supplies like rations, torches, etc etc
Argor: The giant beast lumbers right up to you, the voices in your head are sounding more and more sinister. It looks squarely at the parchment you are holding, then turns and walks back north along the hallway back into darkness. The voices in your head going away as he does so.

Edit*: Knowledge Arcana if you want to figure out what the hell that was.
[trigger]Bitch I am the Arcana. (Knowledge Arcana): 32[/trigger]
[trigger=by]For: TimeCrush Re: #409[/trigger]
Memsie: You Identify it as a Ceustodaemon. You can tell Argor that all his sneaking did him no good because these daemon's have constant, Detect Good, Detect Magic, and See Invisible. They are resistant to most magic, immune to most control spells and have DR bypassed only by Good or Silver. You remember reading about them having a breath weapon as well. These daemon's are among the most common on the material plane as they are easy to bind in service. How they come into being is a matter of some debate. Some scholars believe they were created by the 4 Horseman to be meat shields in their army, and others think they are the result of Neutral Evil souls committing suicide. They speak Abyssal and Infernal, and are natives of Abaddon, which is the source of the River Styx before it flows into other planes.
I will stealthily peer around the corner to see what's down that hallway.
I'm guessing you didn't take a look at the map, or read what I had posted. The ladder goes down to a narrow landing. At the bottom is a set of steps set in a limestone tunnel that continues the journey downward.

I did and I made my post because I didn't know if I was going to be able to be on within the next couple of days.

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